Quantum History

December 23, 2020  •  Leave a Comment



Stone Spriit #125Stone Spriit #125Stone Spirit #125 explores the exquisite beauty of the micro world and the common design elements found throughout creation. Stone Spirits is an intimate expression of Anima Mundi or Soul of the World as well as the ancient stone arts of Suseiki and Gongshi.
Photography by Dennis W. Felty Northstar Gallery.

Stone Spirit #125 Photography by Dennis W. Felty

Over millions of years a stone's atoms vibrate in resonance to each moment noting the impact of time, pressure, sound, heat and chemistry within its molecular structure. The dance of the stone’s sub-atomic particles are in resonance with each moment of its existence. As you touch its surface, feel its weight and gaze at its beauty your presence is quietly captured in the millions of years of its quantum history.  – DWF





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