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A photographic essay exploring the rich history of gargoyles and grotesques in architecture and culture. Photography by Dennis W. Felty Northstar Gallery.
Green Man Grotesque NYCGrotesque Philadelphia Fire DepartmentGreen Man NYCRosslyn Chapel ScotlandGargoyle Marienplatz MunichGargoyle Marienplatz MunichGargoyle Marienplatz MunichGargoyle Marienplatz MunchPrague, The Czech RepublicGreen Man NYCGrotesque Philadelphia Fire DepartmentPrague, The Czech RepublicGreen Man BudapestGrotesque Marienplatz MunichGrotesque Helmsley Building NYCGreen Man NYCGreen Man at the Ansonia NYCGreen Man at the AnsoniaGreen Man PhiladelphiaGreen Man at the Ansona NYC

Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Ansonia, Gargoyle, Munich, NYC, Northstar Gallery, Philadelphia, Prague, architecture, cathedral, church, figure, gargouille, green man, grotesque, monsters, sculpture, statue, stone, symbol